Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Assalamu'alaikum all..
i'm back,, i really miss to write in my blog but because of work, i don't have much time to write. and today i have some loose time. so, what i've done on the past one year? i'll tell you.
 first, let me start with my work now is in a private school in Padang. i have taught there for about 1 year now. i really love my job right now. even though sometimes feel that this work kidnap my time to have fun. but, i'm trying to make it fun. i work as a teacher now. an English teacher for elementary school student's. this school is just really awesome. there are so many activities to do.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Assalamu'alaikum... halo all bloggers.. how many years is it since the last of my writing?
Well, actually I still write though in my personal diary. i don't know it's just not comfortable to write here. Today i am really excited to be back to write. i have so many things to tell. let me explain about my life nowadays. I am an English teacher at a Private Secondary school in Padang. I am 28 y.o. Not married yet,, haha ,,

You know, it's still hard to write what i want to write right now. Hmm.. maybe I'll just share photo today. But wait, I have something to say. it's about a pandemic that have been made my day bored. all around the world today are panicking because of this pandemic. The name of pandemic is COVID-19. This is kind of virus that can kill everyone. It lives in human body. it's really dangerous. All of activity that should've done outside of the home now are being done just at home. especially school, because it can be spread with just a contact human to human. What I really regret is that this month is the holy month of the Muslims around the world. There are so many things that made this month special for Muslims. Ramadhan, is where the Muslims fast and as the month of the best month of the year. in this month all of our sins can be cleared by doing the fast and other religious practices such as read the quran, infaq (charity) and other good behave. In this month, all of the good deed will get a reward (pahala). it has been a month that i stayed at home not going anywhere. No tarawih, not going to the mosque ahh i miss the time i can go to the mosque to do Tarawih together with my neighbourhood. 

I miss my students.. 
I miss my work.. 
I miss my friends.. 
I miss to hang out.. 

aah I hope this pandemic will be ended soon,, aamiin.. so I can get to do all of my daily activity normally.. 
 I think that's all for today,, my brain is really stuck to write right now. bye ..

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Bad day

Hy bloggie... see you again after a really long hiatus. I was so busy so i can't share my life with you. But today i'm give a little time for myself to write what i felt soo heavy inside. So, i need to take it out all without anyone know about it. I hate my school where i am teaching right now. I hate it, when every one can easily complain about my teaching. I hate it when some ignorant people who don't know how to teach teaching me how to teach my students. I really felt offended about that. I hate it REally... when i heard that i'm trying to reconsiliation with myself. How can i give feedback to that person about my teaching.. but they are just a loosers. Just wanna me fall down. I don' t want to teach anymore after i know this. They even want to fired me from my job.. i'm trying my best to teach them so their kids be able to speak in english. But thaf stupid parent doesn't want their kids smart. They want their student ŕ

Friday, March 17, 2017

My (friends) Wedding

look at the title, hope that i can delete the word in the middle.. haha.. i'm 25 now and that’s the perfect age to get married for a girl.. ehemm.. haha.. and there are some friends of mine who has done it. (lucky them) . hope I can follow them. Aamin.. here are some friends of mine who’s got married recently..

 dia's wedding (she was the chairperson in my class )
 iwik's wedding (she is my korean wave partner) 

winda's wedding ( dadok's residents)
septri and beri (both of them are my classmate and they become one and the only couple made in my class ) 
Ibal and yuli (one) ibal is known as technician in my class. haha bcoz he can repair our laptop. and its free. her wife is also my friend in K-5/10. 
and one more husna (uncu ) i cant find a photo of her wedd.. but its okay. congrats all my friends who have found their soulmate. hope it will last forever. be SAMAWA's family.. aamin..

LONG time no see my blog..

        Too long not write in this blog. Feels a little bit awkward, but I’ll just try to cover everything in short. Well what I’ve done so far in my hiatus time in writing my diary? Much happened to me in the last 2 years after i graduated. Oh yea i haven't told you that I’ve graduated in September 2015. ha-ha with many things happened before the graduation i graduated from it at last, nothing that I regret from that. I just think that there is no word "easy" in this life. You must do the process before you get the result. i always say it to myself but sometimes it really hard to do it in the real time. Still, I need much more to learn. There are three works that I’ve done so far. All of them are just a temporary work.
At first I got a job in a course as a teacher.  After I graduated I still confuse what I want to do next. I just feel that I don’t deserve to be a teacher, so I tried to apply in some personal company. Eventually, some of the companies not accept the applier with background as the educator. I don’t know why. So, I try to apply in a course close by my house and I worked for three months there. The salary is not much but, I need the experience. So I think it’s worth to do.  I got the experience how to teach there.
After I worked in that course I applied in a Govt company called BPS. It’s a company that responsible to do the census in this country. That was the censuses to figure what business do by people in this country. We also ask about the profit per month and how long they do the business. It’s a work in the field. I need to visit every business in my area. Every person got their area to do census.  Its good work I think with a really good salary. Hahaha. But it’s just a contract work in a month. Really hope I can work there but, there is no vacant for people majoring in education.
Then now, I work in a junior high school in Tabing, as a teacher of course. I work there because one of my friend’s acquaintances needs a substitute teacher to teach her class while she’s giving birth. I accept that offer in fact that I had been being unemployment for five months. I need a job and I accept the offer.  The job is just for three months and the salary? Hmm its so..so but Alhamdulillah. I taught for three days there. Still I have many days off and I want to fill it with another job. And it’s the last week I teach there I haven’t found the job. I really want to find a permanent job.
That’s all that I’ve done in this 2 years. Hope that LUCK will running come to me. Bissmillah, ready to find a new job. Fighting … I can do it.. remember you need to do the process. Enjoy it.

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